





We would like to inform that with effect from 1 February Magnetic Systems Technology Sp. z o.o. Sp. k. was admitted to the Association of Lighting Equipment Manufacturers “Pol-lighting”.

The Association of Lighting Equipment Manufacturers “Pol-lighting” is a  nationwide organization of manufacturers of lighting industry, acting on the basis of the law on employers organizations of 23 May 1991, bringing together the leading manufacturers of light sources and professional lighting equipment.

The Association was created in order to integrate the environment with a view to develop and protect the lighting market and represent the interests of members in the realities of the booming economy in the European Union structures. “Pol-lighting” represents 80% of the Polish market of light sources and professional lighting equipment.

In total, the members of the “Pol-lighting” in Poland employ over 8,000 people, representing 70% of the total employment in the lighting industry. ‘Pol-lighting’ works to increase innovation and competitiveness in the lighting sector in the framework of the European strategy for sustainable development, working with the government bodies, sector research institutes and other industry organizations.

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